The Graph below demonstrates Rio's economic growth throughout the years. This graph also shows how Rio beging an economic trend before the other Cities, in Brazil. The graph shows how Rio's population grew four times more than the other cities, from 2.95 million to 10.8 million.
The cities go from top to bottom as follows:
Sao paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Belo Horizonte
Porto Alegre
An explanation for Rio's intense inequality could be granted to the fast pacing growth that it has encountered throughout the decades. It grows in population, but it does not provide equality amongst the people. The city grows faster in population than it does in providing jobs and social equality.
What is being done to help the Inequality! Positive OUTLOOK!
Viva Favela is a NGO that is trying to help the communication in the favela. Viva Favela serves like the main communication network in these favelas. They offer internet connection and they provide information on Rights and stories of favela residents. This shows the world the real story on favelas, and it shows the people in the community that they are not alone. This program extended to offer programs for students to keep them out of gangs and teach them how to be more productive with their lives.One program that is making a huge difference is the surfing program. The beach unites all people from all over the place, favela residents and city residents, it is the place where judgement is gone. For this research I watched a documentary that demonstrated how this amazing organization is trying to expands it's viewers and it;s support: